Vote no on extravagant Sparta field proposal

March 11, 2012


The letter from Philip Lid in the March 5th Herald is must reading for every Sparta resident. He mentions our very poor economy and foreclosures. Just a week or so ago there were 3 Sparta foreclosures published in the Herald. Sparta Township has published more than 200 tax liens for the past 3 years.

Recent articles in local papers announce The ALICE program introduced by the County United Way. ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained. Their research shows more than 15,000, 27% of families cannot afford the basics of food, shelter, transportation, health and child care. Combined with those below poverty, 36 percent or 20,000 households are not self-sufficient. If Dr Morton and our School Board think these conditions do not exist in Sparta, they are wearing blinders!

When Jennifer Dericks was voted off the School Board with two others she wrote an op-ed and stated she and others "cannot imagine that a supposed affluent school district like Sparta would reject a 2% budget" Did she think all residents are affluent? I am very concerned that DR Morton and other School Board members have this same attitude!

Mr Lid points out the $500,000 turf field will need replacing in 10 years. I have also been informed a machine similar to a Zamboni at a cost of $18,000 will be needed to maintain the fields. He mentions a cost of $1,800,000 for blasting rock and excavating. He does not mention the new proposed stands.

The Home stands now seat 720. They want a new one seating 2,000. Visitors stand seating 1000 to replace ones that seat about 600. I could not learn the cost for these. Also not mentioned is this $4,583 million cost is not part of the 2% cap. It is over and above.

The 2% Cap is meaningless. Many residents saw the 2012 taxes rise as much as 7% The School Board must be told loud and clear, NO TAX INCREASE!

Driving around town many signs have been planted stating vote yes. Who paid for them who put them up so quickly?

VOTE NO for this new extravagant proposal put forth by our big spending Dr. Morton and our school board.

John Townley