Recallers want Tony Mack to 'tap out'

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
TRENTON — Mayor Tony Mack beat back attacks by some of his most ardent critics last night during a townhall meeting at Millhouse Rehabilitation Center.
Mack lashed out at recall leader Dave Ponton, businessman Tracey Syphax and former City Councilwoman Cordelia Staton. Jo Carolyn Dent- Clark and several other residents who have pushed to have him removed from office.
“You used to be a wrestler, Tony. Why don’t you just tap out?” Syphax said, an allusion to grapplers who yield in tough matches.
Mack challengers included Andrew Bobbitt and Darren “Freedom” Green.
Mayor Mack delivered his standard response, saying that most of his detractors were refused either jobs or lucrative contracts with the City of Trenton.
“I can’t give everybody a job in the city. Most of the people criticizing me in this room at some time wanted something from me,” Mack accused. Staton asked Mack to outline his goals for the city.
“I couldn’t believe that (Mack) said he’s doing a great job,” Staton said. Recallers have until Nov. 15 to collect 9,700 signatures, an accomplishment that would force a special election which more than likely would include another Mack mayoral campaign.
Estimates of claimed signatures vary, although a wide belief is that recall efforts will fall short.
Ponton disagreed, saying that he expects his group to gain enough signatures for a recall.
“We’re going to make it. We’re going to make it,” Ponton assured. “We have a major recall effort throughout the city on Saturday (Oct. 22). We expect to be everywhere in order to force this mayor to run again and hopefully replace him.”