- In our opinion deliberately colluded to pass an ordinance which would cover only the four vending machines in Station Park belonging to Deputy Mayor Brian Brady. (TC Minutes 6/26/07 pg.2, 10/23/07 pg.1, 11/27/07 pg.2, 12/11/07 pg.2&3, 1/8/08 pg.2, 2/26/08 pg.3&4)
- Voted in favor of Limecrest Quarry purchase, without voter knowledge or approval, and without due diligence--incurring a huge liability upon the citizens of Sparta. The ensuing lawsuit (21 counts) down now to (17 counts) is wasting taxpayer dollars on legal defense (including some of plaintiff’s legal costs already awarded by the courts), and any future settlement which we might have imposed upon us. (Purchase Agreement Dated 8/28/07)
- While serving as Mayor and without the consent of the Township Council, directed the Township Manager to stop the reverse 911 call that had been initiated to encourage voter participation in the Sparta High School bond referendum thereby interfering with the election process. (Councilman info)
- While serving as Mayor Manny Goldberg without the knowledge of the Township Council, directly contacted Father McHugh Principal of Pope John High School in an attempt to discredit Mrs. Karen Scott, a candidate for the local school board, thereby interfering with the election process. (Police report & interview)
- While serving as Councilman, Manny Goldberg on Sunday December 9th, 2007 approached the Non Perishable Manager Mr. Carl Bierwas, of the local Stop & Shop Supermarket in an obvious attempt to influence him to remove Petition Circulators seeking signatures on a Petition to Repeal a Sparta Township Solid Waste Utility Ordinance thereby interfering with the Statutory Right of the People. ( Police report & interview)
- At the Sparta Township council meeting held on February 26, 2008 a list of bills was submitted for approval to the council. It contained an unauthorized purchase by Councilman Manny Goldberg of $274 worth of charges he put on his personal credit card, committing tax payer money. (TC Minutes 2/26/08 pg.13)
- Under Mayor Goldberg’s administration, the Sparta Theater was rebuilt. This theater, built in the basement of the Panera Bread building. Although it seats many people at once, has only ONE EXIT. Surely, this should NOT have been approved by Sparta Township in its current configuration. In our opinion this is an accident waiting to happen.
- Between 10/10/06 and 9/25/07, Councilman/Mayor Goldberg was absent for 8 Town Council meetings (the equivalent of 4 months). (TC Minutes 10/10, 10/24, 11/28, 12/12/06 & 7/10, 7/24, 9/11, 9/25/07)
- Voted to double the animal licensing fees for all Sparta dogs and cats–but not those in Freden, Ogdensburg or Hardyston, 07 contract year, whom Sparta also serves. (TC Minutes 2/27/07 pg.4 & New Ordinance Adopted 2/27/07)
- Mayor Goldberg stated he wanted to reexamine WHETHER the citizens of Sparta would like to have municipal garbage pickup in the original "Goals for 2006." He then voted to pass the ordinance, over tremendous voter anguish, and without voter approval. Consequently, the "Goals for 2006" have now been revised, with added editorial comment. (Township website).
- While serving as Mayor created a committee to decorate the new Municipal Building with artwork, then proposed and voted for funds ($2,000) to do this while appointing his wife to the committee to spend the funds, thus creating a conflict of interest. (Councilman & clerk info)
- As Mayor helped promote bid splitting as a means toward hastily constructing a retaining wall, that omitted planned steps as a way of circumventing the bid process, for the front lawn of the Municipal Building, solely for the sake of appearances and expediting he’s insistence on a ribbon-cutting ceremony at tax payers expense. (Councilman info)
Broken campaign promises:
At an exit interview, Karen Scott (a music teacher of 28 years) mentioned that she wanted to run for the Sparta School Board, because she didn't see eye-to-eye with the school's superintendent. Six months later her new boss, Father McHugh, told her he had been visited by Mayor Goldberg, who told him that he wanted Scott to quit the school board elections--and that there was an 'or else' attached to that request. The Mayor alleged that Scott made death threats against Sparta schools Superintendent Thomas Morton. Father McHugh stated that he felt he was being "strong-armed" by Goldberg. See the Daily Record 4/12/07, and the NJ Herald 4/11
JEER: "To Sparta Mayor Manny Goldberg, for clumsily trying to interfere in the town's school board election. Goldberg tried to convince candidate Karen Scott to leave the race by visiting her boss. What's worse is that with all sorts of rumors circulating, the mayor refuses to talk about the matter. That's not leadership!" The Daily Record 4/14/07
"Your single vote matters. We, the people of Sparta, must make the ultimate decisions as to how our town is governed and managed." See Sparta Independent 5/4/06.
"I will encourage my fellow council members to direct the Town manager to hold public meetings with the department heads." (NJ Herald 6/10/06) Just six months later, Mayor Goldberg renegged on this promise and denied a department head (Ralph D'Aries) the right to address a public meeting. Instead, that department head's concerns were only allowed to be aired in a "secret" executive session of the Council members alone. See TC minutes 1/9/07.
Manny Goldberg, and avid proponent of the high school renovation, has helped increase our annual tax bill--for that addition alone--to the tune of $435 a year (for property assessed at $300,000), for 30 years. Star Ledger 9/17/06.
Manny Goldberg stated that "because of recently approved school referendum, the council had to be careful about spending more taxpayers dollars on expensive projects. See Limecrest, White Lake (purchase and updates), turfed fields, ambulance takeover, health department merger, and proposed PAL building and stadium complex. TC minutes 11/21/06
Mayor Goldberg proposed using the Township website to communicate with the people. Goldberg stated that the column would be informational only, and would NOT be used for political purposes. TC minutes 11/21/06
"Any capital expense costing in excess of $1 million should be decided by the citizens through referendum." (NJ Herald 6/11/06)
"If I am elected to the Town Council, YOU HAVE MY WORD, I will not vote based on my personal opinions. I will take action based on the will of the citizens." (Letter to K.D. 5/12/06)
Campaigned that the $4 million budget surplus should be used to "provide taxpayers with a real municipal tax break." (NJ Herald 5/7/06)
Betrayed the citizens’ trust:
- In our opinion Councilman Goldberg has broken the trust that we citizens placed in him. He has frivolously spent millions of Township dollars–all without our approval. The White Lake property cost $1.45 million, and another $1 million is now needed for improvements. The Limecrest Quarry was an additional $2.45 million–but is sure to escalate with the ensuing litigation. He has shown a blind eye to the plight of Sparta taxpayers who have yet begun to pay for the new $71.5 million high school, he is an avid proponent of building a new ($1-2 million) stadium complex, and a huge P.A.L. building for a yet undisclosed sum. (TC Minutes 7/10/07 pg.2, 11/8/07 pg.4, 11/27/07 pg.8, 12/11/07 pg.1, 1/8/08 pg.2&3)